
Waterman expert fountain pen

Published 04.09.2024 by Tibor Truong

Object Vintage Waterman expert fountain pen
Failure Cracked nib
Repair type Send to manufacturer
Repair time 6-8 weeks
Repair cost ~ 40 CHF
Difficulty VERY EASY
Tools needed Internet, enveloppe, stamp
Repair service available? YES
Rating 7/10

Problem, what happened?

After years of writing a crack appeared on the side of the nib.
As a consequence, the nib isn't in contact with the feeder anymore and therefore runs dry.

How to fix it, solution

Contact Waterman support. They will e-mail you a UPS label for you to send them your pen.
Upon receiving it, they will calculate the cost of repair and e-mail you an invoice.
You are then free to accept or deny it. If you deny it, they'll send your pen back at their cost. If you accept it, they'll repair the pen and send it back along with a fresh ink cartridge. You will also get your hardware back that they changed out which is very professional.

Evaluation of the repair

I was very satisfied with their repair service and would redo it anytime. I had some issues with payments but thanks to the very responsive service team i was able to sort it out quickly by e-mail. Repair costs are reasonable and Waterman products will last you a long time.

Here is an image of the crack (1) and the pen (2)

And here is an image of both pens after repair along with their packaging and spare ink cartridge (my original spare parts are not shown here)